
“In fact, I am inclined to believe that persistence in an urban artefact often causes it to become identified as a monument, and that a monument persists in the city both symbolically and physically. A monument’s persistence or permanence is a result of its capacity to constitute the city, its history and art, its being and memory.”

Aldo Rossi – Architecture of the City, 2012

This project starts of from the thought of Frihamnen as a monumental space in Gothenburg. Situated as an industrial ruin in the old harbor area where the ships used to unload to skip duty – this space is currently being remolded into the function of a recreational park with bathing culture as a central subject of investigation. Several art and architecture groups have been invited to build the communal park together with the public. As a testing area for sustainable city building, there is a need to investigate methods for documentation and reflection. For this need Unboxing the Monument of Frihamnen aims to fill a purpose.